TeeJet CenterLine 230BP User Manual

Page 15

background image

Chapter 2 - Setup


dIsplaY ConTrasT

The Plus and Minus keys can be

used to change the contrast levels of the

display’s background. Press the Enter

key to advance to the Display Back-

ground setting.


The Plus and Minus keys control

console brightness levels during Opera-

tions modes. However, if GPS signal is

not being received, the Plus and

Minus keys will control the contrast


dIsplaY baCKGround

The Plus and Minus keys toggle

between light and dark backgrounds.

Press the keys until the desired back-

ground is established. Press the Enter

key to accept the changes.

led spaCInG

The distance illustrated by the illuminat-

ed LEDs can be customized. The default

setting is 1.5 feet (.46 meters). Use the

Plus and Minus keys to adjust the

spacing as required for individual prefer-

ence. Press the Enter key to accept

the changes.

Com porT seTup

The COM Port can be customized to

send DGPS data out or accept external

DGPS. “0” means the console is accept-

ing external DGPS data. “1” means the

console is using internal DGPS and is

transmitting out. Use the Plus and

Minus keys to toggle the COM Port

number. Press the Enter key to ac-

cept the changes.

Power must be cycled to the console if

this setting is changed.

Gps seTup

GPS Setup can be customized to accept

“ANY” available source transmission (ei-

ther uncorrected or differential), “GPS”

source transmissions (only uncorrected

signals), or “DGPS” source transmis-

sions (only differentially corrected sig-

nals). Use the Plus key to select

“ANY,” “GPS,” or “DGPS” and the Minus

key to revert backward. Press the En-

ter key to accept the changes. Power

must be cycled to the console if this set-

ting is changed.

Once the final setting has been entered, the screen will

return to the initial Display Setup Mode screen. If no addi-

tional changes are required, press the Escape key and

exit to Operation Mode or press the Setup Mode key

again to enter into CL230BP Setup Mode.
