TeeJet CenterLine 230BP User Manual
Page 10

CenterLine 230BP
98-05112 R4
number of boom seCTIons
The number of available boom sections
is 1 to 6 or 1 to 15 depending upon which
SmartCable is detected. Enter the num-
ber of boom sections that are active in
the system (1 to 15 sections). Use the
Plus and Minus keys to adjust the
value. Press the Enter key to accept
the changes and advance to the Boom
Section Widths setting.
If a SmartCable or SDM is not connected
to the system, one Boom Width can be
entered. The Boom Width entered should
be the total of the entire boom - from 0 to
1969 inches (0 cm to 50 m).
boom seCTIon WIdThs
Enter the width for EACH boom section
in inches (cm). Use the Plus and Mi-
nus keys to adjust the value. Press
the Enter key to advance to the next
Boom Section Width setting. When fac-
ing forward, the boom sections are or-
dered from left to right along the boom.
The boom section width range is 0 to
1969 inches (0 cm to 50 m). The mini-
mum recommended width is 39 inches (1
m). Press the Enter key to accept the
changes to the last boom section and ad-
vance to the Boom Offset Direction set-
ting. Individual boom section widths can
be set to different widths.
delaY off
Delay Off functions as a “look ahead” for
timing the boom section valves to turn
off exactly when entering an area that
has been applied. If the boom turns off
too soon when entering an applied area,
decrease the Delay Off setting. If the
boom turns off too late when entering
an applied area, increase the Delay Off
setting. Delay Off time is established in
seconds and tenths of seconds. Use the
Plus and Minus keys to adjust the
value. The Delay Off Time range is 0.0 -
10.0 seconds. Press the Enter key to
accept the changes and advance to the
Overlap setting.
Overlap determines the amount of over-
lap that is allowed when the boom sec-
tions are turned on and off. Select the
percent of overlap from three pre-de-
termined settings (0%, 50%, and 100%)
using the Plus and Minus keys.
Press the Enter key to accept the
changes and advance to the Number of
Boom Sections setting.