Isobus job computer : ic18 sprayer, User interface, Main setup mode menu structure – TeeJet IC18 SPRAYER JOB COMPUTER User Manual
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ISOBUS Job Computer : IC18 Sprayer
User Interface allows the operator to select the system virtual terminal (VT), switchbox pairing, BoomPilot ECU pairing and soft key
numbering as well as view serial numbers and ECU identification number.
Job Parameters
User Interface
Figure 3-29: User Interface
Figure 3-30: Sprayer Number
1. From the Main Setup Screen , select USER INTERFACE.
NOTE: Settings are NOT automatically saved when selected. The
ACCEPT KEY must be selected to save the setting. Select the
ESCAPE KEY to escape without saving settings and return to
the previous menu.
Use Preferred VT
Use Preferred VT sets the virtual terminal preference to either on or off. If “On” is
selected, the preferred VT will be used. If “Off” is selected, the system will arbitrarily
select which VT to use (if more than one VT is available on the ISOBUS CAN).
NOTE: This should always be set to "off" unless another VT is on the CAN bus.
• To set the Use Preferred VT mode, select an option from the drop down menu
or use the UP/DOWN ARROWS to highlight the option.
This IC18
Displays IC18's serial number and associated ECU identification number.
Pair with Switchbox
The pairing of a switchbox can be set to be done automatically, not at all or to a
specific switchbox ECU ID number on the CAN network.
• To set the Switchbox pairing, select an option from the drop down menu or use
the UP/DOWN ARROWS to highlight the option.
Pair with BoomPilot ECU
The pairing of a BoomPilot ECU can be set to be done automatically, not at all or to
a specific BoomPilot ECU ID number on the CAN network.
• To set the BoomPilot ECU pairing, select an option from the drop down menu
or use the UP/DOWN ARROWS to highlight the option.
Currently Paired With Information
Displays the current ECU ID numbers for a paired switchbox or BoomPilot ECU.
• If no switchbox or BoomPilot ECU is on the system, "none" will be shown.
• If a specific switchbox or BoomPilot ECU has been chosen to be paired with
and it is not available on the system, "none" will be shown.
Show Number on Soft Key
Show Number on Soft Key establishes if a user assigned identification number will
be visible on the Master Screen, Home Screen and Operation Screen.
• To set the Soft Key Number mode, select an option from the drop down menu
or use the UP/DOWN ARROWS to highlight the option.
NOTE: Typically used only if more than one (1) IC18 ECU is on the CAN bus.
If “Yes” is selected, a Sprayer Number (FI) option appears.
Sprayer Number (FI)
Sprayer Number is the identification number referring specifically to the IC18 ECU
referenced under the "This IC18" information row on the User Interface screen.
• To set the Sprayer Number, use the number pad or slide bar.