PRG Mbox Designer Manual 3.9 User Manual

Page 93

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6. Text is a special case, and must be converted out "outlines." Switch to the Selection Tool and select the

text. Select "Type" in the menu bar, and then select "Create Outlines." You cannot make outlined text
(stroke only), it has to be filled.


7. If you are creating an SVG gobo, you need to apply a crop area to the document. The size and location of

this crop area will determine whether your digital gobo will fall under Option 1 or Option 2. The texture
applied to the gobo will fill the crop area when the gobo is used in Mbox. Note: It is not recommended that
the crop area be sized or positioned so that any portion of an object fall outside the crop area.


Option 1: If you just want to apply a texture to your gobo so that the texture completely fills the gobo,
then create the crop area so its borders are just outside the edges of all of the objects in your


Option 2: If you have a texture that you do not want scaled (or want scaled to a specific size) and only
want to show that texture in the positive areas of the gobo without any further scaling, then make the
crop area the same as your content and arrange the objects in the file inside that crop area. In this case
the gobo acts as an inverted mask since the result ends up displaying the unscaled texture on the the
positive areas of the SVG file.

If you are creating an AI gobo, you can't use crop areas, and the applied texture will be stretched or
squashed automatically to cover all of the objects in the file. You can use rectangles with no dimensions


x 0


) to affect how the texture is applied by using them to define the corners of an imaginary crop area.

To add a rectangle with no dimensions, select the rectangle tool and click and release on the drawing area.
In the dialog box that opens, enter 0 for the horizontal and vertical size of the rectangle. You won't be able
to see these objects in Mbox Designer, but they will affect how the texture is applied.