PRG Mbox Designer Manual 3.9 User Manual
Page 143

Step 17. To test the configuration you have created on Layer 1 - select Object folder 2, file 9 for the MultiScreen
object, select the sample PNG as the texture on the same layer, and also supply the correct additional Art-
Net data (for the opacity and texture X & Y position) on Universe 5. You should see something like this:
Note: Since the texture X & Y position controls default to 127, you will need to set them to that value to see the
portion of the texture in the illustration above. With different values, the texture is going to move, and where it moves
off the surface of a screen object, it becomes fully transparent.
Note: The Mbox Fullscreen mode resolution is set to 1280 x 1024 to match the MultiScreen configuration's Display
Width and Height.
If you adjust the levels on universe 5 you will be able to adjust the opacity of each of the nine square and adjust the
portion of the texture that is displayed on each square. You can also use the MultiScreen object on other layers by
using the correct Art-Net offset to control it.
But what about the MultiScreen object's 3D visualization functionality? It's pretty simple to get the MultiScreen
configuration to do this, and easy to get Mbox to display it. The idea, when using the 3D element of any configuration,
is that a specific area of one output of the server (or the entire output) will show the 2D representation, and some other
dedicated area (or the other output of the server) will show the 3D representation. The 2D output will generally be sent
to the actual video output and to the stage, while the 3D output can be used for pre-visualization of the setup.
To best accomplish this, you will need to set Mbox into Panoramic Wide mode, and Mbox will need to be configured
to force the 3D representation onto the second output. Because this functionality of the MultiScreen object is actually
3D, its position and your perspective view of it can be adjusted by manipulating the position and orientation of the
standard camera - Orbit X & Y, Dolly, etc. But since the camera doesn't have lateral movement control that can be
addressed via Art-Net, you will need to use Mbox Remote to move the camera such that the 3D representation moves
onto the second output screen. (More on how to achieve that below.)
Step 18. The first step is simple, just select each screen object (Square 1, Square 2, etc.) in the configuration one at
a time and copy and paste it into the same configuration. Rename these new screen objects (for example,
"Square 1 3D") so you can tell them apart from the originals. Then uncheck the Orthographic checkbox for
each of these new screen objects. The other thing that you will want to do (remember that you want to
mimic LED panels that are moving and using projected mapping) is to add controls to the 3D screen objects
for X & Y Position, in addition to the existing Texture X & Y Pos. Just use copy and paste on each of the
original controls, and change the name control type for the newly created controls.