Interlogix NX-6V2 Rev C Installation Manual User Manual

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NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Manual

Swinger shutdown

This feature allows a zone or zones to be automatically
bypassed after a specified number of alarms. When a zone is
tripped, the alarm counter reflects 1 in memory. If a new (first)
alarm is detected in a different zone, the counter remains at 1. If
an alarm is detected on a previously tripped zone, the count
increments to 2. The counter increments each time an alarm is
detected on a zone with multiple trips. Bypassing occurs on the
zone that causes the count to equal the number programmed in
Location 38; if the counter resets to 0 and begins a new trip
count, where the next alarm sets the counter to 1. If immediate
restore is enabled in Location 37, the alarms (and restores, if
enabled) are sent as they occur. If immediate restore is not
enabled, a second or subsequent alarm is not sent until the
siren times out.

Telephone line monitor

The NX-6V2 has a telephone line monitor that monitors the
voltage and current of the telephone line to detect a faulted
phone line. This condition reports to the central station. If the
report is enabled, only the telephone line restore is reported.
(Locations 37, 39, and 40)

Temporal siren disable

If disabled, the fire siren is steady and fire voltage out is the
same as burglary (continuous). Otherwise, the fire siren is
temporal. (Location 37)

Tone-sniff answering machine

If enabled, only one call is required to defeat the answering
machine. To use this feature you must have a Hayes 1200
Smart Modem. From the computer, call the panel as normal.
When the answering machine answers, the panel hears the
tones from the modem and seizes the phone line for a
download. (Location 21)

Two-call answering machine

If enabled, two telephone calls must be made to the premises to
defeat an answering machine. On the first call, let the phone
ring one or two times. The control panel detects these rings and
starts a 45-second timer, during which the control panel
answers the next call on the first ring. (Location 21)

Note: We do not recommend this feature for commercial

Walk test mode

If enabled, entering *, Chime followed by a user code allows a
walk through zone test where all zones become silent and local
(nonreporting). During this test, the chime light flashes on the
LED keypad. Each time a zone is faulted, the zone light on the
LED keypad illuminates and the chime sounds. The number of
the faulted zone or zones is displayed on the LCD keypad and
also entered into alarm memory and the internal log. To exit at
any time during this mode, enter a user code. Otherwise the
walk test mode automatically exits after 15 minutes. (Location

Wireless sensor missing/low

The NX-6V2 sends a report to the central station when a
wireless sensor detects a low battery or has not reported to the
receiver. The Service LED illuminates when either condition
exists. (Location 37)