Locations 52 to 55 - times and days – Interlogix NX-6V2 Rev C Installation Manual User Manual

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Chapter 2: Reporting codes

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Manual


Segment 1

Program the autotest interval.

Enter 0 if the interval is in days (if the panel tests once daily, program one day rather than once
every 24 hours)

Enter 1 if the interval is in hours (default)

Enter 2 if the interval is in days and suppresses the test if any report has been sent within the
last autotest interval.

Enter 3 if the interval is in hours and suppresses the test if any report has been sent within the
last autotest interval.

Segment 2

Program the autotest interval from 1 to 255 hours/days. Default is 24 (hours).

Segment 3

Program the autotest report hour in 24-hour (military time) format (if the interval is in hours, this
segment is ignored). Default is 2 (0200).

Segment 4

Program the autotest report time, as the number of minutes after the hour. Default is 0.

Locations 52 to 55 - Times and days

Location 52 - Opening/automatic disarm time

Location 52 has two segments of numerical data. Use this location to program
the time (24-hour format) in which the NX-6V2 enables codes designated as arm
only after closing. This time is only valid on those days programmed in Location

Segment 1 - Program the hour in military time of the opening time. Default is 8..

Segment 2 - Program the minutes after the hour of the opening time. Default is 0


For autoarm, auxiliary outputs, or code authorization to function properly, make sure the

opening time is earlier than the closing time.

Note: If using scheduled event outputs, enter an open time even if the panel is not auto

Location 53 - Closing/automatic arming time

Location 53 has two segments of numerical data. Use this location to program
the time (24-hour format) in which the NX-6V2 disables the disarm capability for
codes designated as arm only after closing. This is also the time the automatic
arming sequence begins if enabled in Location 55.

Segment 1 - Program the hour of the closing/autoarm time. Default is 20.