Location 44 - duress code, Locations 45 to 50 - auxiliary outputs programming – Interlogix NX-6V2 Rev C Installation Manual User Manual
Page 40

Chapter 2: Reporting codes
NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Note: All segment 2 features must be on for the go to program code to be used to change user
Location 44 - Duress code
Location 44 has six segments of numerical data. Use this location to program the
duress code. This location contains either four or six digits. If the six-digit code
option is enabled, this code must contain six digits. If the six-digit option is not
enabled, the last two digits are ignored. Each segment default is 15.
Locations 45 to 50 - Auxiliary outputs programming
Location 45 - Auxiliary output 1 to 4 partition selection
Location 45 has four segments of feature selection data. Use this location to
select which partitions (1 or 2) the events must occur in before the output will
activate. Segment 1 corresponds to output 1, segment 2 to output 2, etc. For
each segment, enter 1 for partition 1 or enter 2 for partition 2.
Location 46 - Auxiliary outputs 1 to 4 special timing
Location 46 has four segments of feature selection data. Use this location to
program the special timing feature activation for the four auxiliary outputs.
Segment 1 corresponds to output 1, segment 2 to output 2, etc.
Segment 1 to 4 - Outputs 1 to 4
1. On if output is timed in minutes; off if timed in seconds.
2. On if output latches; off if output is timed.
3. On if output stops timing upon code entry; off if the output continues to time upon code entry.
4. On if output only activates between the closing and opening time (Locations 52 and 53).
5. On if output only activates between the opening and closing time (Locations 52 and 53).
6. On to invert the output. If the output is normally on when an event occurs, if you invert the
output it will be off when the event occurs.
7 and 8. Reserved.
Location 47 - Auxiliary output 1 event and times
Location 47 has two segments of numerical data.
Segment 1 - Use Table 8 on page 37 to select the event that activates auxiliary output 1. Default
is 0.
Segment 2 - Program the timing from 0 to 255 (minutes or seconds, depending on data
programmed in Location 46, segment 1). Programming a 0 makes the output follow the event.
Default is 10 (seconds)