Interlogix NX-6V2 Rev C Installation Manual User Manual

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NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Manual

Automatic cancel/abort

If enabled, the cancel and/or abort features are automatic
(pressing the Cancel button is not required). The cancel and
abort features in Locations 23 and 40 must be enabled to permit
this auto feature to work. For proper operation of these features
a dialer delay must be enabled.(Locations 40, 41, and 110 to


This feature causes the panel to call the central station to report
a communicator test at a specified interval (Location 51).

Auxiliary outputs

The NX-6V2 has two programmable outputs that are used to
activate relays, LEDs, etc. (Locations 45 to 50)

Auxiliary power overcurrent

The NX-6V2 illuminates the Service LED on the keypad
whenever too much current is drawn from any device powered
by the system. This condition reports to the central station.
(Location 37)

Box tamper

The NX-6V2 has an input for a normally closed tamper switch.
The box tamper is programmed to report and/or sound the siren
and/or the keypad. (Locations 37 and 39).

Built-in siren driver

The NX-6V2 has a built-in 112 db siren driver when desired, this
built-in driver easily converts to a 1A voltage output through
programming Location 37.

Bypass toggle

This feature enables the end user to toggle (turn off/on) the
bypass of an interior zone with the system armed, by pressing
the bypass key. (Location 23)

Call back

When enabled, the control panel uses the call back phone
number to call the download computer before beginning a
download. (Location 21).


When enabled, the NX-6V2 sends a cancel report when the
system is disarmed and the Cancel button is pressed within 5
minutes of an alarm. Once the Cancel button is pressed, the
Cancel LED illuminates until the central station acknowledges
the cancel report (a dialer delay must be enabled). (Locations
23 and 110 to 169)

Code required options

If programmed, the NX-6V2 requires a code for bypassing
zones and/or initiating a download using the *, 9, 8 or *, 9, 9
functions. (Locations 23 and 41)

Communication formats

The NX-6V2 reports in multiple formats. We recommend that
you use Contact ID or SIA formats if possible. if you want to
report to a pager or in a 4+2 format to a central station, you
must program each code to be reported. (Locations 56 to 83)

Cross zoning

This feature requires two or more trips on a zone or zones
programmed as cross zones within a specified time before
reporting an alarm. During the time between trips, the NX-6V2
sounds the keypad and/or the siren. The NX-6V2 can also be
programmed to report an alarm after two or more trips on the
same zone. (Locations 37 and 40)