Heli-Max HMXE0250 User Manual
Page 5

• There are two types of threaded fasteners used in this kit:
Self-Tapping Screws are designated by a diameter and
a length and are intended to thread into plastic.
This is a 3mm x 10mm Self-Tapping
Machine screws are designated by a diameter and
threads per mm/inch. This type of screw is referred to as
Socket Head Cap Screw (SHCS) through out this manual.
This is a 3mm x 10mm SHCS
• Thread Locker: Model engines generate a lot of vibration
and cause screws to work loose. Thread Locker (GPMR6060)
should be used on all machine screws when they are
threaded into a pre-tapped hole in metal. Generally blue
thread locker is removable and should be used in all cases.
Please keep in mind only a small amount of thread locker is
needed to retain the bolt. Please check preassembled
components for thread locking compound.
• Ball Links: If you look closely at the
plastic ball links used on this helicopter
you will notice the holes on each side of
the link are different sizes. The side with
the smaller hole also has writing on it as shown above.
When you snap the link on, make sure the writing is to
the outside. If you accidentally snap the small side on
first, the ball link may crack. If the ball link does not pivot
freely once snapped on, you can use a small pair of pliers
to lightly squeeze the link and help loosen it up.
• When you see the term
test fit in the instructions, it means
that you should first position the part on the assembly to
verify it fits properly. Once you are sure, then proceed with
the instructions or assembly.
• Photos and sketches are placed before the step they
refer to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps
to get another view of the same parts.
Before starting to build, take an inventory of the model to
make sure it is complete, and inspect the parts to make sure
they are of acceptable quality. If any parts are missing or are
not of acceptable quality, or if you need assistance with
assembly, contact Product Support. When reporting defective
or missing parts, use the part names exactly as they are
written in the Kit Contents list.
Heli-Max Product Support:
3002 N. Apollo Drive, Suite 1,
Champaign, IL 61822
Telephone: (217) 398-8970, ext. 6,
Fax: (217) 398-7721
E-mail: [email protected]
Bag 1: Head Parts and Paddles
Bag 2: Main Mechanics
Bag 3: Clutch System and Fan
Bag 4: Links, Gyro and Tail Servo Mounts
Bag 5: Fin Set
Bag 6: Landing Gear Set
Bag 7: Main Blades
Bag 8: Tail Boom
Bag 9: Servo Tray Set
Bag 10: Lower Frames, Fuel Tank, Fan Shroud
Bag 11: Canopy