Heli-Max HMXE0835 Maintenance Guide User Manual
Heli-Max Air equipment
Heli-Max™ 1SQ Trouble Shooting
and Repair Tech Sheet:
The Heli Max™ 1SQ is very strong for its
weight. It takes quite a bit of abuse but
can from time to time get “tweaked” and
will need to be checked over to keep it in
top flying condition.
The Heli-Max™ 1SQ is very easy to work
on and repair. Only simple tools like the
included Phillips screwdriver (or any
Number 1 Phillips screwdriver) and an
additional hobby knife are needed to
keep it in top flying shape.
The most common questions are:
My 1SQ pulls in one direction, why does it do that?
One of my motors does not spin free like the others, why is this?
Both of these conditions are typically the result of an impact to a hard surface. What can happen is, one
or more of the propellers or motors can “jam” as a result of the impact. Below we list the way to check
and adjust for this as well as how to replace the motor arm if needed.