Balsa basswood plywood 4 – Great Planes Giant Aeromaster Kit - GPMA0502 User Manual

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Items in parentheses (GPMQ4243) are suggested part
numbers recognized by distributors and hobby shops and

are listed for your ordering convenience GPM is the Great

Planes brand, TOP is the Top Flite brand and HCA is the
Hobbico brand.

D US Engines" 41cc (USEG0041)
D Four-channel radio with six servos

(five high torque and one standard for throttle)

D Y-Connector (2)
D 24" Servo extension (2)
D Propeller (Top Flite Power Point"")
D 16 - 24oz Fuel tank of your choice
D Gas or glow fuel tubing depending on fuel used
D 4" Main wheels (2)
D 1-1/2" Tail wheel (1) (GPMQ4243)

D Covering film (5) rolls (Top Flite MonoKote®)
D 3" Pilot figure (WBRQ2626)
D 1/4" Latex Foam Rubber Padding (HCAQ1000)
D Easy Fueler" fuel fill valve for gas (GPMQ4161)


D Switch and Charge Jack (GPMM1000)
D Fuelproof paint for cowl and wheel pants

(Top Flite LustreKote paint)

D Heavy duty hinges (28)
D 3/16" Axle (2)
D 3/16" Wheel collars (4) (GPMQ4308)

For Mounting the US Engines 41cc

Standard mounting system'
D 1/4-20 x 1-1/4" Flat Head Bolt (4 req )
D 10-32 x 1-1/4" Sockethead Bolt (4 req )
D #10 Washer (4 req)
D 10-32 Blind Nut (4 req.)

Soft mounting system
D J-Tec Snuf-Vibe engine mount (JT-1420SV)
D 1/4-20x2" Sockethead bolts (4 required)

These are the building tools that are required We

recommend Great Planes Pro" CA and Epoxy glue

D 2 oz Pro CA (thin, GPMR6003)
D 2 oz Pro CA+ (medium GPMR6009)
D 1 oz Pro CA- (thick, GPMR6014)
D 6-Minute Pro Epoxy (GPMR6045)

D 30-Minute Pro Epoxy (GPMR6047)
D 4oz Pro Wood Glue (GPMR6161)
D Hand or electric drill
D Sealing iron (TOPR2100)

D Heat gun (TOPR2000)
D Hobby saw (X-Acto razor saw)
D Hobby knife #11 Blades
D Razor plane (Master Airscrew" 'MASR 1510)
D Pliers
D Screw drivers (Phillips and flat blade)
D Tpins(HCAQ5150)
D String
D Straightedge with scale

D Masking tape (required for construction)
D Sandpaper (coarse medium fine grit)*
D Easy-Touch Bar Sander (or similar)*
D Wax paper
D Balsa filler such as Hobbico" HobbyLite™

(Hobbico #HCAR3400)

D 1/4-20 Tap and tap wrench
D IsopropyI rubbing alcohol (70%)
D White body putty (Squadron #SQUR1500)
D 90° Building square
D Ballpoint pen
D Felt-tip pen
D Round file

D Micro balloons (TOPR1090)
D Canopy glue
Drill bits

D 1 /16" D 1 /8" D 3/16" (Long Bit)
D 5/64" D 9/64" D 13/64"
D 3/32" D 5/32" D 1/4"


7 / 6 4 "


3 / 1 6 "

D CA Applicator Tips (HCAR3780)
D Epoxy Brushes (GPMR8060)
D Epoxy Mixing Sticks (GPMR8055)
D CA Debonder (GPMR6039)
D Hot Sock (TOPR2175)

D Single edge Razor Blades (HCAR0312)

Elev = Elevator Fuse = Fuselage
LE = Leading Edge (front) LG = Landing Gear
Lt = Left Ply - Plywood
Rt = Right Stab = Stabilizer

TE = Trailing Edge (rear) " = Inches

Balsa Basswood Plywood