Great Planes Giant Aeromaster Kit - GPMA0502 User Manual
Page 18

How To Make Servo Lead Tubes:
When the aileron servos are mounted out in the wing, it
can be difficult to run the servo wires through the ribs to
the wing root. An easy solution is to make servo
wire tubes.
D 2. After you are satisfied with the fit, take the wing
j o i n e r s and bolt plate out of the wing panels. Mix
approximately 1 oz. of 30-minute epoxy. Use plenty of
epoxy to coat the main and aft spars, the slot in ribs
R-1B and R-2B, the wing joiners, bolt plate and the face
of ribs R-1B. Insert the wing joiners and bolt plate in the
wing panel and press the wing panels together. Wipe off
any excess epoxy with rubbing alcohol and a paper towel.
Tape the two wing panels together and weight them down
on a flat surface. Check that the LE is straight and the
wing panels are flat against the surface.
A. Cut a piece of newspaper slightly longer than the
length needed to reach from the aileron servo bay to the
wing root.
B. Roll the newspaper into a tube slightly smaller than
the holes in the wing ribs. Use a couple of pieces of tape
to hold the tube together.
C. Insert the tube into the wing aligning the holes with
the tube. Tack glue the tube to the ribs with CA.
D 4. Give the wing panel a quick sanding. Then set it
aside while you go back and build the left wing panel.
D 3. Use a sanding bar to sand the bottom center section
smooth and the TE straight. Draw a centerline on the top
of the die-cut 1/8" plywood wing plate. Also, draw a line
1/4" from the aft edge. Sand a taper on the edges of the
wing plate. Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the wing plate,
centered on the TE of the wing. Note: The wing plate
overhangs the TE by 1/4" as shown on the wing plan.
After the epoxy cures, balsa filler can be applied to make
a smooth transition f r o m the wing plate to
the wing.
D 1. Sand the spars, LE, TE and sheeting flush with rib
R-1B. Without using any glue, test join the wing panels
by inserting the 1/8" x 1-5/8" x 5" plywood forward wing
joiners, the 1/8" x 5/8" x 5" plywood aft wing joiner and
the 1/4" x 1" x 12" plywood wing bolt plate into the right
wing panel. Join the left wing panel to the right wing
panel. Set the wing on a flat surface and use a straight-
edge to check that the LE is straight. If not, use a sanding
bar to sand the wing root and test fit again.
D D 1. Lay a piece of wax paper over the right aileron
plan. Cut a 3/32" x 3" x 36" balsa sheet in half. Trim both
sheets to 2-1/8" wide to make the top and bottom
aileron sheeting. Pin one of the sheets in position over
the plan.