Great Planes Giant Aeromaster Kit - GPMA0502 User Manual
Page 29

D 21. After the epoxy cures, go back and apply medium
CA to reinforce the joints between the formers, top rear
plate, bottom rear plate and fuselage sides. After the CA
cures remove the masking tape.
D 16. Insert the third outer pushrod guide tube in the
rudder exit hole, through the middle hole in former (H) and
the off center hole in formers (G) and (F). Approximately 1"
of guide tube should protrude past the exit hole. Use a 4-40
pushrod to check for any restriction. An optional fourth
guide tube (not included), used for routing the antenna
through the fuselage, can be inserted in the extra pushrod
exit hole and through the hole in former (J) then through the
large holes in the other formers.
D 17. Glue the pushrod guide tubes to the formers with
medium CA. Then glue the pushrod guide tubes to the exit
slots with a 50/50 mixture of microballoons and epoxy.
Completely fill the slot with the microballoons and epoxy so
it can be sanded flush later. Note: Talcum powder may be
substituted for microballoons.
D 18. After the epoxy has cured use your bar sander and
150-grit sandpaper to sand the pushrod guide tubes and
epoxy filler flush with the fuselage sides.
D 22. Insert the right side of the firewall into the slot in the
front of the right fuselage side. Spread the front of the
fuselage apart slightly and insert the left side of firewall into
the slot in the left fuselage side. Test fit the die-cut 1/8" ply
tank floor and the top deck between the fuselage sides.
Note that the front of the tank floor and the top deck are
angled. This angle sets the firewall at the proper right
thrust. Depending on the engine mounting method you may
need to cut notches in the top deck and the tank floor to
clear the blind nuts or rubber bushings. Cut two gussets
from the 1/4" x 1/4" x 16" hardwood stick to fit in the joint
between the fuselage sides and the back of the firewall.
After checking the fit of the parts, glue the firewall to the
fuselage and the gussets to the firewall and fuselage sides
with 30-minute epoxy. Use masking tape or clamps to hold
the firewall until the epoxy cures.
D 19. Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the 1/4" x 3/4" x 1" birch
ply stab mounting blocks, between the embossed punch
marks, on the stab plate.
D 20. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the stab plate to the
fuselage, with the stab mounting blocks facing the inside of
the fuselage.
D 23. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the 3/8" x 4-3/8" x
4-3/4" ply landing gear plate between the fuselage sides
and to formers (B) and (C). Use masking tape or clamps
between the fuselage sides. Fit and glue the landing gear
plate gussets made from 1/4" x 1/4" x 16" hardwood
around the joint between the landing gear plate and the
fuselage sides and formers on the inside of the fuselage.