12 animator: modulation sequencer engine type, Destination, Graphs section – FXpansion DCAM Synth Squad Operation Manual User Manual

Page 88: Mod value, Mod glide, 1 animator: modulation sequencer engine type

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8:12 Animator: Modulation Sequencer engine type

The Modulation Sequencer engine type allows you to send sequenced parameter modulation values (set via the Mod.
Value and Mod. Glide Graphs) to a synth while also routing notes through to it.
For Mod. Value events to have any effect, the relevant engine
must be used as the source in a TransMod or FuseMod slot with
suitable depths specified on 1 or more destination parameters.
The Step1-4 FuseMod sources correspond to the modulation
output from each Animator engine.

The Pitch, Velocity, Duration and Repeat Graphs do not have any
effect when using the Modulation Sequencer engine type.


While the Mod. Value events do not have any effect on any
parameters unless routed into a synth via its TransMod slots,
or into any Fusor device using its FuseMod slots, the Mod
Sequencer engine type feeds note input through to any of the 3
synth channels or into the Key Map page.
This allows you to play a synth while modulating parameters with
Mod. Graph values.
If you are using the sequencer only for Fusor devices you do not
need to route MIDI note input to the engine, unless you specifically
want to use keyboard input for the sequencer (if you have
specified keyboard-dependent

Trigger Mode settings using the

Advanced engine type, for example).

Graphs section

Mod Value

This control offsets the Mod. Value Graph for each step by a
positive or negative amount.

Mod Glide

This control offsets the Mod. Glide Graph value for each step by a
positive or negative amount.