Credits, About this manual, Suggested further reading – FXpansion DCAM Synth Squad Operation Manual User Manual
Page 5: Printing this manual

DSP Programming
Andrew Simper
Additional Programming
Angus Hewlett
Steve Baker
Paul Chana
SKoT McDonald
Caleb Reach
Project Co-ordination
Steve Baker
Rhiannon Bankston-Thomas
Interface Design
Alex Akers
Steve Baker
Angus Hewlett
Artwork/Packaging Design
Rus Brockman
Web Programming
Andreas Schnetzler
Mayur Maha
Video Production
Rory Dow
Rob Bantin
Andrew Vernon
Preset design and QA
Peter ‘Mod’ Slotwinski
Ryan Sellers
Rory Dow
Alex Volmer
Andrew Vernon
Artist Relations
Clare O’Brien
FXpansion USA
Terry Hardin
Daniel Wilkinson
Preset design
Patchen Preston
DJ Subject
Dave Blakely
Michal Garstecki
Janis Chaffin
Francesco Silvestri
Daniel Stawczyk
Rory Dow
Angus Hewlett
Peter ‘Mod’ Slotwinski
Raphael S.
Brian Lee
Derik White
Beta testing
Mark Williams, Sean Ahern, Andrew Capon,
Robert Sfeir, Ashley Smith, Mikael Adle,
Murray McDowall, Jordan Chillcot, Christopher
Reis, Andy Reaburn, Anthony Webster, Paul
Sureno, Andrew Shantz, Joost Gransjean, Scott
McGrath, Kris Giampa, Roy Queenan, Andreas
Beisler, Alice Bernier
Special thanks to Zimon Drake at
French Kiss Films:
About this manual
It is beyond the scope of this manual to fully explain every concept of synthesis in detail.
A lot of background information is given in order for you to fully understand DCAM: Synth Squad’s features, but some prior
knowledge of synthesis and audio processing/mixing functions is assumed.
Suggested further reading
The Sound On Sound magazine articles database includes an excellent resource of synthesis information, particularly
the comprehensive ‘Synth Secrets’ series. There are also articles on mixing, effects processing and other relevant topics
when using DCAM: Synth Squad:
There is also an excellent book about synthesis available for free viewing on the web (or as a downloadable PDF file),
called ‘Advanced Programming Techniques for Modular Synthesizers’ by James J. Clark. It is written for the Nord Modular
DSP synthesis environment, but its information is relevant for all kinds of synthesis, no matter what equipment you’re
Printing this manual
Full permission is granted to print this manual for personal, non-commercial use.
Manual revision 1.01