Toshiba MA-136-100 SERIES User Manual

Page 68

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This page REVISED: April, 1983

SETTING OR CHANGING DEPARTMENT PRESET PRICE {Condition: anytime outside a sale)

Mode Lock: SET Key Operation


New Preset Price |





max. 6 digits

Repeat for all the
required departments


1. To preset the price of "0",

enter "0" in place of the
price entry in the above

2. If no price is entered in

the • above operation, the
department is set as an open

PROGRAMMING PLU TABLE (Condition: after a PLU RESET-to renew the PLU table,

or anytime outside a sale to program
additional PLUs)

Mode Lock: SET Key Operation


[x] jPLU Code] iPLUl -f [Preset Price

'max.2 digits

max.6 digits


[Link DEPT1 -»[AT/TLI

To program another PLU


NOTES: 1. No PLUs can be programmed to link a negative department.

2. A maximum of 50 PLUs may be programmed.

3. The PLUS that have not been programmed with a preset price

in the above operation are automatically set as PLUs with

the preset price of "0".

4. The tax status of each PLU is automatically determined

by the status of the linked Department.

CHANGING PLU PRESET PRICE (Condition: anytime outside a sale)

Mode Lock: SET Key Operation


PLU Code


fPLUl [New Price] -»■






max.2 digits

max. 6 digits

(1 ~ 50)

— To change the price of another PLU —

NOTE: In this operation, changes of link departments, programming

additional PLUs, etc. are not possible.

N O T E : E v e n i f a P L U h a s b e e n s e t w i t h o u t i t s l i n k e d d e p a r t m e n t , t h i s P L U P r e s e t P r i c e

C h a n g e o p e r a t i o n c a n b e d o n e t o t h e P L U . H o w e v e r , n o r e g i s t e r i n g i n t o t h i s P L U

w i l l b e p o s s i b l e a n y w a y b e c a u s e n o l i n k e d d e p a r t m e n t h a s b e e n s e t t o t h i s P L U .

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