Toshiba MA-136-100 SERIES User Manual

Page 12

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] Returned Merchandise Key

This is the Returned Merchandise Key which is used for refunding
money to a customer who has returned goods to the store.

To operate, depress the [RTN MDSE] key either before or after ringing

up the amount to be refunded, and then depress the appropriate depart­
ment key (the department key may be replaced by a PLU code and the

iPLUI key combination). The amount is automatically printed and

deducted from the bill.

The [RTN MDSEI key can be used outside as well as inside a sale.

pTl Quantity Extension Key

This key is used to multiply a department item entry by a quantity.

The order of multiplication is "QUANTITY x PRICE". As for the
details of multiplication orders for various cases, see the


The QUANTITY can be of maximum 3 integral digits and 3 decimal digits.

(Use the □ key if any decimal portion of the quantity is required.)

The PRICE can be maximum 6 digits. The product must not exceed 7


Usually, the fraction below the least effective digit (the second

digit below the decimal point) will be rounded off. However, it
may be programmed to be discarded or rounded up by the system option.

IPLUI Price-Look-Up Key

This key is used to enter a PLU price that has been programmed and
linked to a department.

To operate, enter the PLU code for the required item, and then
depress the 1 PLU 1 key. If the IPLUl key is depressed more than once

in sequence, the entry of the price looked up by the PLU code is

repeated. Quantity extension is permissible on a PLU using the fx]

Each PLU is programmed with a 2-digit PLU code (1 throug_50), a 6-
digit preset price, and a 2-digit link department code. To modify
the link department, a reset of the entire PLUs sales totals is
necessary. However, changing the preset prices of individual PLUs
or programming new PLUs may be carried out anytime if the

register is outside a sale.

But please note that if a unit price

of any PLU is changed between sales (but not after resetting)the
accurate data of the PLU total may not be printed in the X and Z

reports due to the price change.





I Item Correct Key

This key is used to remove the last line item from the bill, printing

a line through that item on the receipt and journal.

This manual is related to the following products: