Casio ClassPad 300 User Manual
Page 667

Error Message
Error Message Table
Non-Real Result
Not a Local Variable
Not a Numerical Value Result
Not an Empty Folder
Not Appropriate Numerical Value Input
Not Found
Not Function Name or Program Name
Over 30 factors have occurred
Page Size
Presentation file is not selected or does not
Receiving Failure
Reserved Name or System Variable
Stat Calculation
Stat Graph Setting
This name already exists
Too Long Sheet Name
Too Long String
Transmission Failure
Undefined Result in Condition Judgment
Undefined Variable
Variable in Use
View Window settings for log contain a 0 or
negative value.
View Window value is out of range
Wrong Argument Type
The ClassPad is in the Real mode but the
value you are inputting or the result
produced by a calculation is a complex
The variable you are trying to assign data
to is not a local variable.
You are trying to delete or perform some
other operation on a folder that is not
The number of factors in a summary table
has exceeded 30.
A condition judgment program control
command has performed comparison with
an undefined variable, which returns a
condition judgment of “Undefined”.