Casio ClassPad 300 User Manual

Page 439

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u To animate a point around a circle

(1) Plot a point and draw a circle, and then select them.


Working with Animations


• You can repeat the above procedure to create multiple points that move simultaneously.

Try this:
• Draw a line segment and plot another point.
• Select the line segment and the point.
• Repeat steps (3) and (4) on page 8-5-2.
Notice that both animations go at the same time!

• To start a new animation, perform the procedure under “To replace the current animation with a

new one” on page 8-5-4. Or, tap [Edit], [Animate] and then [Edit Animations]. On the dialog box
that appears tap [Remove].

(2) Tap [Edit], [Animate], and then [Add Animation].