Carl Goldberg GBGA0059 User Manual

Page 32

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While flying your pattern, try to maintain shall turns. Remember that the wind will tend to blow your plane further

downwind. To compensate for the the wind, make upwind (flying into the wind) turns shallow and downwind turns a

little steeper. It is more difficult to fly a model when it is downwind and if a mistake is made, it will be more difficult

to fly back to the field.

You may wish to add ballast to your model for better wind penetration. If so, add the weight (perhaps starting with

6-8 ounces) at the center of gravity, making sure the weight is securely attached inside the model. Loose ballanst

can destroy a modle in rough conditions.

Landings can be a little tricky at first, but with experience can be mastered. Make your approach from either side,

keeping the nose of the model parallel to the wind. Bring the model gently up to the slope. When it is hovering 1 to

2 feet from the ground, apply down elevator to slow the model down and land. This is a little different than a normal

type of landing, where you let the model float onto the gound.