Carl Goldberg GBGA1040 User Manual
Carl goldberg products, ltd, Warning

While this aircraft is an excellent first choice for novice pilots, a radio-controlled model is not a toy and is not intended for
persons under 16 years old. Keep this kit out of the reach of younger children, as it contains parts that could be danger-
ous. A radio-controlled model is capable of causing serious bodily injury and property damage. It is the buyer’s respon-
sibility to build this kit correctly and to properly install the motor, radio, and all other equipment. Test and fly the finished
model only in the presence and with the assistance of another experienced R/C flyer. the model must always be operat-
ed and flown using great care and common sense, as well as in accordance with the Safety Code of the Academy of
Model Aeronautics (5151 Memorial Drive, Muncie, IN 47302), 1-800-435-9262). We suggest you join the AMA and
become properly insured prior to flying this model. Also, consult with the AMA or your local hobby dealer to find an
experienced instructor in your area. Per the Federal Communications Commission, you are required to use only those
radio frequencies specified “for Model Aircraft”.
P.O. Box 818 Oakwood, GA 30566 Phone # 678-450-0085
Electra ARF
sailplane was designed to be a gentle trainer for the beginning R/C modeler, yet possess an electric motor to so
that it can be flown almost any where.
Electra ARF
is a very efficient machine, she reacts quickly to rising air ( called lift, or
thermals) so that long flight times are easily achieved.
Electra ARF
can circle very tightly without falling off so stay in the ther-
mal. . The
Electra ARF
has good penetration into the wind and can really “cruise” when desired. Before starting to build, read
through these instructions and familiarize yourself with this booklet.
'Copyright 2003
If this is your first electric plane, then you will need make a decision. Do you want to turn on the motor and fly till the bat-
tery runs out of power (2 channel radio required)? Or do you want to use an electric speed control that will let you stop and
start the electric motor when you want too (3 to 4 channel radio required). Both methods are included in this booklet. You
will need to do some soldering of wires but the Electra ARF will perform great either way you build it.