Carl Goldberg GBGA0059 User Manual
Page 17

12. Spread the fuse sides and insert bulkhead tabs
into the locating slots in the fuse.
NOTE: Make sure doublers face aft.
13. Hold assembly together with rubber bands.
Make sure the fuse is perfectly straight.
When you are satisfied with the alignment,
glue as shown.
14. Trim two 1/8 x 1/4" balsa sticks to fit along the
top of the formers, acting as doublers.
When satisfied with the fit, glue these balsa
doublers in place, as shown.
15. Position the 1/16" plywood nose former, using
a rubber band to hold it in place.
Glue securely in place.
16. Using the plan, if necessary, pin the fuse to the
building board, making sure the alignment is
straight and correct.
When satisfied with the alignment, glue the
1/16" rear top sheeting in place. Allow to dry.
17. Unpin the fuse from the building board and turn
it over, so that it is bottom side up.
Glue the 1/2" balsa chin block to the bottom of
the fuse, fitting it to the nose former as shown.
18 Next, glue the 1/8" D/C balsa bottom sheeting
in place.