Installation, Installation planning, Minimum supplierexpress agent requirements – Kofax SupplierExpress User Manual
Page 23: Minimum markview integration requirements, Implementation process, Upgrade planning, Chapter 2

SupplierExpress Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2
Installation Planning
Minimum SupplierExpress Agent Requirements
▪ An IPSec-compliant VPN tunnel from your site to the SupplierExpress Hosting Site.
This ensures secure communications between your SupplierExpress Agent and the
SupplierExpress Hosting Site.
The VPN tunnel is dedicated to the IP address or port for a specific computer. To
install the agent on different computers, log an incident through the Kofax Customer
Portal to have Kofax Technical Support set up additional VPN tunnels.
▪ A SupplierExpress Agent machine with a minimum of 50 MB of free space for
installation and 4 GB of memory for running the agent.
▪ Your site has Oracle or SAP for Payables processing installed.
Minimum MarkView Integration Requirements
For details, see the MarkView requirements defined in the Cross-Product Compatibility Matrix
for supported versions of software.
▪ MarkView version
▪ Operating system
▪ UNIX (use the same version as that required by your version of MarkView)
The UNIX operating system must use the bash shell as the default shell. If bash
is not the default shell, contact your System Administrator.
▪ Windows
Note If your MarkView Application Server operating system is UNIX or Windows,
install the agent software on the MarkView Application Server.
Implementation Process
SupplierExpress implementation is a multi-part process that involves:
▪ Installing the SupplierExpress Agent software and verifying the installation
▪ Contacting Kofax (through the Kofax Customer Portal) to activate your
SupplierExpress Agent on the web service
▪ Configuring your site information in SupplierExpress
Upgrade Planning
You can upgrade the SupplierExpress Agent to a new version or upgrade to a different
integration option. For example, you could change from a Direct ERP Integration to a
MarkView Integration.