Tear down and reassembly – Cub Cadet T2-HP User Manual
Page 18

Tear dOwn and reassembly
HOw TO use THIs manual
Each subassembly illustrated in this section
is illustrated by an exploded view showing
the parts involved .
The item reference num-
bers in each illustration are for assembly
instructions only . See page 37 for part names
and descriptions . A complete exploded view
and item list of the transaxle is provided on
pages 36 and 37 .
Many of the parts and subassemblies of this
transaxle can be removed and serviced inde-
pendently of other components . Where some
components and assemblies must be removed
before a given assembly can be serviced, that
information is given at the beginning of the
disassembly instructions .
General InsTruCTIOns
Cleanliness is a primary means of assuring
satisfactory life on repaired units . Thoroughly
clean all exposed surfaces prior to any type
of maintenance . Cleaning of all parts by us-
ing a solvent wash and air drying is usually
adequate . As with any precision equipment, all
parts must be kept free of foreign material and
chemicals .
Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open
cavities from damage and foreign material . The
external surfaces should be cleaned before
beginning any repairs .
Upon removal, it is recommended that all seals,
O-rings, and gaskets be replaced . During
installation lightly lubricate all seals, O-rings,
gaskets with a clean petroleum jelly prior to
assembly . Also protect the inner diameter of
seals by covering the shaft with a cellophane
(plastic wrap, etc .) material . Be sure all rem-
nants of this covering are removed after ser-
vicing .
Parts requiring replacement must be replaced
from the appropriate kits identified in the Items
Listing, found on page 37 . Use only original
replacement parts found listed in
BLN-51427 (CD) .
IMPORTANT: When internal repair is per-
formed on the T2
, the filter assembly must be
replaced .
TransaXle remOVal
It is necessary to remove the T2 from
the vehicle before performing the repair
procedures presented in this section .
lImITed dIsassembly
The following procedures are presented in
the order in which they must be performed to
completely disassemble the unit . Do not
disassemble the unit any farther than is
necessary to accomplish the required repairs .
Each disassembly procedure is followed by a
corresponding assembly procedure .
Reassembly is accomplished by performing
the “Assembly” portions of the procedures. If
the unit has been completely disassembled, a
summary of the assembly procedures, in the
order in which they should occur, is given on
page 34 .