Return to neutral setting – Cub Cadet T2-HP User Manual
Page 16

pOTenTIal fOr serIOus Injury
Certain procedures require the vehicle engine
to be operated and the vehicle to be raised off
the ground . To prevent possible injury to the ser-
vicing technician and/or bystanders, insure the
vehicle is properly secured .
reTurn TO neuTral seTTInG
The return to neutral mechanism on the trans-
mission is designed to set the directional con-
trol into a neutral position when the operator
removes their foot from the foot control . Follow
the procedures below to properly adjust the
return to neutral mechanism on the transaxle:
1. Confirm the transaxle is in the operating mode
(bypass disengaged) . Raise the vehicle’s drive
tires off the ground to allow free rotation .
NOTE: It may be necessary to remove the
drive tire from the axle hub to access
the linkage control and the transaxle
return arm.
2 . Remove the Original Equipment Manufac-
turer’s (OEM’s) control linkage at the control
arm . Refer to Figure 4 .
Do not attempt any adjustments with the
engine running . Use extreme caution while
inspecting all vehicle linkage!
Follow all safety procedures outlined in the
vehicle owner’s manual .
3 . Start the engine and increase the throttle to
full engine speed .
4 . Check for axle rotation . If the axles do not
rotate, go to Step 5 . If the axles rotate, go
to Step 6 .
5 . Stop the vehicle’s engine . Reattach and
adjust the OEM linkage according to
the OEM manual . Recheck according to
Step 3 and 4 . Stop the vehicle engine .
Refer to Figure 4 .
6 . Note the axle directional movement . Stop
the vehicle engine . Loosen the lock down
screw (168) until the control arm (160) can
be rotated . Rotate the control arm in the
same direction of the wheel rotation in small
increments . Tighten the lock down screw .
Recheck according to steps 3 and 4 . Refer
to Figure 4 .
figure 4, return to neutral
Spring (167)
Screw (41)
Scissor Arm (162)
RTN Control Arm (160)
Lock Down Screw (168)
RTN Neutral Arm (161)
Bushing (165)