Dist. + echo, Left channel delay (lch delay): 0.1 - 250.0 ms, Dist – Yamaha REX50 User Manual
Page 23: Echo
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Trigger Level (TRG. LEVEL): 1 - 1 0 0
Determines the amplitude of the input signal required
to trigger the effect. This parameter functions effec
tively as a noise gate to cut out hiss and noise when
an input signal is not present. TRG LEVEL should be
set so that the effect is activated only when a note
is played on the instrument used.
/ 27. DIST. + ECHO /
Distortion Level (DISTORTION): 0 — 100%
Sets the "degree" or "depth" of the distortion por
tion of the effect.
Echo Balance (ECHO BAL): 0 - 100%
Determines the amount of delay or echo effect ap
plied to the distortion sound.
Left Channel Delay (Lch DELAY): 0.1 - 250.0 ms
Sets the time between the direct sound of the instru
ment and the first repeat heard from the left channel.
Left Channel Feedback Gain (Lch F.B): -99% —
Sets the amount of the left-channel delay signal fed
back to the input of the processor. The higher the
feedback gain setting, the greater the number of
delayed repeats produced.
Right Channel Delay (Rch DELAY): 0.1 — 250.0 ms
Sets the time between the direct sound of the instru
ment and the first repeat heard from the right
Right Channel Feedback Gain (Rch F.B): -99%
^ 99%
Sets the amount of the right-channel delay signal fed
back to the input of the processor. The higher the
feedback gain setting, the greater the number of
delayed repeats produced.
High Frequency Feedback fHIGH): 0.1 — 1.0
Controls feedback in the high-frequency range. The
high-frequency feedback is reduced as the value of
this parameter is decreased.
Midrange EQ Frequency (MID FRQ.): 560 Hz, 800 Hz,
1.0 kHz, 1.5 kHz, 2.0 kHz
Sets the mid-frequency range to be boosted
using the next parameter; MID GAIN.
Midrange EQ Gain (MID GAIN): - 1 2 — - H l 2 d B
Boosts or cuts response in the frequency range set
by the MID FRQ parameter (above). A setting of 0
produces no boost or cut. Minus settings (e.g: -6
dB) cut response in the selected frequency range,
while plus settings (e.g:
dB) boost response.
Trigger Level (TRG. LEVEL): 1 - 1 0 0
Determines the amplitude of the input signal required
to trigger the effect. This parameter functions effec
tively as a noise gate to cut out hiss and noise when
an input signal is not present. TRG LEVEL should be
set so that the effect is activated only when a note
is played on the instrument used.