Edit ruler – Panasonic KX-E2500 User Manual

Page 42

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Edit Ruler

The typewriter mode enables you to edit margin and tab settings

in two ways:

(A) Set the new margins and tabs and store them over the current

format by following the instructions outlined on pages 26 and


Select ‘'Edit Ruler” from the format menu and display the

margin and tab format on the ruler line before editing.

In the text memory mode (margins and tabs are ignored in phrase
memory), item “B” above is the only way to edit margin and tab


The Edit Ruler selection enables you to edit the current margin

and tab settings as well as those stored under formats “X”, ”Y”,
and ”Z.” The Edit Ruler procedure is exactly the same when
selected in either the typewriter or text memory mode as outlined

• The printhead automatically moves beyond the left margin

setting to the end of the platen.

• Margin Release (M.R.) is not necessary in the Edit Ruler

mode to bypass the current left and right margin setting.

• The printhead moves along the ruler line when you press the

SPACE BAR or the FWD- key.

• The same keys used to set new margins, tabs and hot zone

outlined on page 26 are also used when editing the ruler.

• It is not necessary to clear the current left and right margin,

or hot zone before setting a new one. When the new left or

right margin, or hot zone is set, the old setting will automat­
ically clear.

• Unwanted Tabs are cleared from the ruler line by positioning

the cursor on the tab (represented by the letter “T”) and
pressing TAB CLR.