2 weighingpoint ‚xbpi-scale, Pr 5220 instrument manual commissioning – Rice Lake PR5220 Ethernet Transmitter User Manual
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PR 5220 Instrument Manual
Weighingpoint ‚xBPI-Scale’
- Setup
- Calibration
- Deadload
- Set
Accept, ResError = reset error, Abort
- Delete
Accept, ResError = reset error, Abort
- Adjust with user weight
Adjust with user-defined weight
- Adjust with auto weight
Adjust with automatic weight detection
- Adjust with default weight
Adjust with default weight
- Adjust with intern weight
Adjust with internal weight
- Linearity
- Default
Accept, ResError = reset error, Abort
- User
Accept = OK, ResError = reset error, Abort = Abbruch
- Configuration
- Weighing parameters
- Ambient conditions
Very stable, stable, unstable, very unstable
- Application filter
Final readout, Filling mode, low filtering, w/o filtering = without filtering
- Stability range
0,25 digit, 0,5 digit, 1 digit, 2 digit, 4 digit, 8 digit
- Stability symb. delay
no delay, short delay, average delay, long delay
- Tare parameter
at any time, not until stable
- Auto zero function
auto zero on, auto zero off
- Adjustment function
ext.adj.w.fact.wt., ext.adj.w.user.wt.., ext.adj.w.pres.wt., internal adjust,
ext.lin.w.fact.wt., ext.lin.w.user.wt., confirm preload, delete preload,
adjust disabled
- Confirming adjust.
manual, automatically
- Zero range
1% of max load, 2% of max load, 5% of max load, 10% of max load
- Power-On zero range
2% of max load, 5% of max loadt, 10% of max load, 20% of max load
- Power-On tare/zero
active, inactive, only for zeroing
- Measure rate
normal output, fast output
- Calibration check
calibration prompt, off
- External adjustment
accessible, blocked
- Application settings
- Application Tare
accessible, blocked
- Number of units
1 weight unit, 2 weight units, 3 weight units
- Weight unit 1
- Weight unit 2
- Weight unit 3
Gramm [g], Kilogram [kg], Carat [ct], Pound [lb], Unze [oz], Troy unze [ozt],
Tael Hongkong [tlh], Tael Singapur [tls], Tael Taiwan [tlt], Grain [GN],
Pennyweight [dwt], Milligramm [mg], Parts/pound [/lb], Tael china [tlc],
Momme [mom], Karat [k], Tola [tol], Baht [bat], Mesghal [m], Tonne [t]
- Display accuracy 1
- Display accuracy 2
- Display accuracy 3
all digits, reduced when moved, one level lower, two level lower, three level
lower, 1%, 0.5%, 0.2%, 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.02%, 0.01%, Multi-interval,
increased by 10