Thank you – Dave Smith Instruments PRO 2 User Manual
Page 9

Thank You
No doubt about it: It’s an exciting time to be a synth geek. You only have to
look around you to realize that we’re experiencing a renaissance of sorts for
synthesizers. From stompboxes to modulars, synths are here in a very big way.
With the current demand for all things analog, I’ve been asked many times if I would
ever consider reissuing the Pro-One monosynth. My response has always been the
same: “You’ve got to keep moving forward.” The simple truth is, I’m happiest
creating new instruments—synths that put more power and better sounds into the
hands of musicians with every iteration.
But actions speak louder than words, so here’s the last one on that particular
subject: the Pro 2. It’s light years beyond the Pro-One in every way and is the
culmination of my many years designing synthesizers. It’s also the deepest and
most powerful monosynth I’ve ever created, so it should keep you busy exploring
the outer limits of sound for quite some time.
I really hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed designing it.
Thanks for the purchase, from all of us here at DSI!