Dell 5100cn Color Laser Printer User Manual

Page 170

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7. Press to select MPF. (ONLY ON 3x00cn)

8. Using and , select the appropriate paper size (Transparency). (ONLY ON 3x00cn)

9. Press the middle button, SELECT, once Transparency is displayed on the lower line, this puts a * by it. (ONLY ON


10. Now we have the MPF Size set to Transparency. (ONLY ON 3x00cn)

11. Now press MENU to get back to Tray Settings/Paper Size.

12. Press to get to Paper Type.

13. Press to select Paper Type.

14. Press to get to MPF.

15. Press to select MPF.

16. Using and , select the appropriate paper type (Plain 1).

17. Press SELECT, once Plain 1 is displayed on the lower line.

18. Now we have the MPF Type set to Plain 1.

19. Now press MENU to get back to Ready to Print

20. Now insert the Transparency-sized stack of paper into the MPF.

21. On the screen MPF/Transparency will appear. (ONLY ON 3x00cn)

22. Press SELECT to confirm this. (ONLY ON 3x00cn)

23. Now on the screen MPF/Plain 1 will appear.

24. Press SELECT to confirm this.

25. We now have all the hardware settings on the printer correct

Now, all software settings screen shots are from WORD, this was done in Word. However if in any application, you go File
® Print and then click the Properties button, you will get this same driver properties window.

26. Open up Word and create a new document.

27. Go to File

® Print.

28. Select the Dell Color Laser Printer from the printers list

29. Click the Properties button to the right.

30. This brings up Driver Properties.

31. Click on the Paper Tray Tab.

32. Change the Paper Source to MPF.

33. Click the Paper Tab.

34. Select in paper size, Transparency.

35. Select for Output Size, Same as Paper Size.

36. Click OK.

37. Click Close.

38. Now the printer driver is setup correctly.

39. Now go to File

® Page Setup.