05 operating unit with gas control option, 05 operating unit with gas control option -6 – Tweco 3000 Merlin User Manual

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Manual 0-2532

Move the Power Supply ON/OFF switch to the ON
position. An automatic gas purge will remove any
condensation that may have accumulated in the torch
and leads while the system was shut down. The gas
purge duration is the same as the post-flow duration
(factory set to twenty seconds but adjustable to 5,
10, 20, or 40 seconds). After the purge is complete,
if the RUN/SET/PURGE switch is in SET position,
gases will flow. If the switch is in PURGE position
only plasma gas will flow. If the switch is in RUN
position there will be no gas flow.


RUN/SET/PURGE may be selected at the
RC6010 Remote Control. Both switches must
be in the RUN position for normal operation.

H. Current Output Level

Select the desired current output level from 50 to
150 amps.


Pressure Settings

Move the RUN/SET/PURGE switch to SET position.
Set plasma and secondary pressures (refer to Maxi-
mizer 300 Torch Instruction Manual 0-2476).

J. Additional Gas Purging

If additional purging of the plasma gas line is neces-
sary, move the RUN/SET/PURGE switch to PURGE
position. In PURGE mode, the GAS indicator will be
OFF because only plasma gas flows and the secon-
dary gas flow switch is not satisfied.

K. Ready for Operation

Return the RUN/SET/PURGE switch to RUN posi-

The system is now ready for operation.


Refer to Appendix II for a detailed block dia-
gram of the Sequence Of Operation.

4.05 Operating Unit With Gas

Control Option


This Subsection describes the normal opera-
tion of the system with the Gas Control Op-
tion installed. Refer to Section 4.04 for sys-
tems without the Gas Control Option installed.

This procedure should be followed at the beginning of
each shift:


Disconnect primary power at the source be-
fore assembling or disassembling power sup-
ply, torch parts, or torch and leads assemblies,
or adding coolant.

A. Coolant Level

Check the coolant level at the coolant reservoir at
the rear of the Power Supply. If the coolant is down
from the top of the reservoir more than 2 inches
(50mm) add coolant.

B. Deionizer Bag

Check the condition of the deionizer bag in the res-
ervoir basket. If the bag is a yellowish brown (straw
color) then replace the bag.

C. Torch Parts

Check the torch for proper assembly. Install proper
torch parts for the application (refer to Maximizer 300
Torch Instruction Manual, Catalog No. 0-2549).

D. Input Power

Check the power source for proper input voltage.
Make sure that Power Supply is set for the proper
voltage. Close main disconnect switch or plug unit
in to supply primary power to the system. Apply
AC power to the system by placing the front panel