E-flite Advance 25e User Manual

Page 7

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E-flite Advance 25e ARF Assembly Manual


5. Use the string to pull the servo lead through

the wing and out of the hole in the top of the

wing panel.

Leave a small amount of string tied to the servo lead.

Tape the string to the top of the wing to prevent

the servo lead from falling back into the wing.


6. Use the screws provided with the servo to secure

it in the wing. The output shaft of the servo will face

the aileron. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to tighten

the servo mounting screws.


7. Use the radio system to center the aileron servo.

Position the servo horn parallel to the hinge line

of the aileron. Enlarge the hole in the servo horn

facing toward the wing tip that is 1/2-inch (13mm)

from the center of the horn using a pin vise and

5/64-inch drill bit. Use side cutters to remove any

unused arms from the servo horn so they don’t

interfere with the operation of the aileron servo.

When installing the aileron servos, the

linkages must connect to the side of the

servo facing the wing tips as shown.

Toward Wing Tip

Toward Wing Tip


8. Position a square so it is aligned with the edge of

the wing and the hole in the servo horn enlarged in

Step 6. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the aileron for

the aileron control horn. This aligns the horn and

linkage correctly for your model.


9. Position the control horn on the aileron. The holes

in the control horn will align with the hinge line of

the aileron, and with the mark made in the previous

step. Use a felt-tipped pen to transfer the locations

for the control horn mounting screws on the aileron.