Preflight, Flying your advance 25e arf – E-flite Advance 25e User Manual

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E-flite Advance 25e ARF Assembly Manual

Rudder high Rate (100%) (20% Exponential)








35 degrees








35 degrees

Rudder Low Rate (15% Exponential)








25 degrees








25 degrees

Measurements are taken at the inner or

widest point on the control surface.

These are general guidelines measured from our own

flight tests. You can experiment with higher rates to

match your preferred style of flying.

Travel Adjust and Sub-Trims are not listed

and should be adjusted according to each

individual model and preference.

We highly recommend re-binding the radio

system once all the control throws are set. This will

keep the servos from moving to their endpoints

until the transmitter and receiver connect.


Check your Radio

Before going to the field, be sure your batteries are

fully charged per the instructions included with your

radio. Charge the transmitter and motor battery

for your airplane. Use the recommended charger

supplied with your particular radio system, following

the instructions provided with the radio. In most

cases, the radio should be charged the night before

going out flying.

Before each flying session, be sure to range check your

radio. See your radio manual for the recommended

range and instructions for your radio system. Each

radio manufacturer specifies different procedures for

their radio systems. Next, run the motor. With the

model securely anchored, check the range again.

The range test should not be significantly affected. If

it is, don’t attempt to fly! Have your radio equipment

checked out by the manufacturer.

Double-check that all controls (aileron, elevator, rudder

and throttle) move in the correct direction.

Check the radio installation and make sure all the

control surfaces are moving correctly (i.e., the correct

direction and with the recommended throws).

Check all the control horns, servo horns, and clevises

to make sure they are secure and in good condition.

Flying your Advance 25e ARF

The Advance 25e is a very spirited flyer yet is gentle

and forgiving during takeoff and landing.

Ground handling is easy due to the tricycle landing

gear. When on the runway, set the throttle trim to so

the motor is spinning low RPM. Then smoothly apply

power and apply a small amount of up elevator during

your takeoff roll. Make small corrections with the

rudder to keep the airplane tracking straight down the

runway. The Advance will lift off of the ground gently

and smoothly and settle into a gentle climb angle.

Once at altitude, trim the airplane at a cruise power

setting of ½ to ¾ throttle. After trimming and making a

few passes, try some slow speed flight at altitude. The

airplane is very stable at low airspeeds and during a

stall; it will break very gently straight ahead.

The Advance is easily capable of aerobatics such

as loops, rolls, spins, inverted flight and even knife

edge. Combine these to create an endless amount of

aerobatic maneuvers.

When setting up to land, reduce power and begin to

bleed off airspeed. Fly a traffic pattern and continue to

lose altitude. Line up to the runway on final approach

and allow the Advance to continue to descend. When

a few feet above the runway, begin to flare with up

elevator. Once the airplane settles into ground effect, it

will set down gently at a slightly nose-high attitude. If

the nose is kept high on roll out, the airplane will bleed

off speed much quicker. Use small corrections to keep

the airplane tracking straight down the runway.

Congratulations, you have just successfully flown

your Advance 25e! We hope you have many more

enjoyable flights with this model.

Happy Landings!