Metrohm 758 KFD Titrino User Manual
Page 109

3.2 Remote control commands
758 KFD Titrino
105 Mode.Parameter.CtrlPara.Dyn pH:
0.01...20.00, OFF
1...2000, OFF
0.1...200.0, OFF
Mode.Parameter.CtrlPara.UnitDyn read
Mode.Parameter.CtrlPara.MaxRate 0.01...10...150, max.
Mode.Parameter.CtrlPara.MinIncr 0.1...9.9, min.
Parameters for KFT: Control parameters.
.Dyn: Dynamics (control range) in pH, mV (with U and Ipol) or µA (with Upol).
The corresponding unit can be read with .UnitDyn. Standard with
KFT Ipol 100, with KFT Upol 10.
.MaxRate: Maximum allowed titration rate in mL/min. Max. means maximum
possible rate with mounted Exchange Unit.
.MinIncr: Parameter for KFT. Minimum volume increment in µL.
OFF means that the criterion is not monitored. Mode.Parameter.Presel.Oven COM1,
Parameter for KFT.
If an oven is connected, its result will be incorporated into the result report of
the Titrino. If there is no oven connected via RS232, the setting of this pa-
rameter has to be "no". Mode.Parameter.Measuring.SignalDrift
pH, U, Ipol, T:
0.5...999, OFF
Upol: 0.05...99.9, OFF
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.UnitSigDrift read
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.EquTime 0...9999, OFF
Parameters for MEAS: Criteria for the measured value acquisition. Measured
value drift in mV/min (with pH, U, Ipol, T), µA/min (with Upol), resp. °C/min
(with T). Equilibration time in s. OFF means that the corresponding criterion is
switched off. If both criteria are OFF, the measurement continues indefinitely.
If the equilibration time has never been edited, it is automatically calculated by
the instrument to match the drift, see page 36. After it has been edited once, it
remains in force with the set value. Mode.Parameter.Measuring.MeasInput
1, 2, diff.
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.Ipol ±127...1...+127
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.Upol ±1270...400...+1270
Mode.Parameter.Measuring.PolElectrTest ON, OFF
Parameters for MEAS:
Selection of the measuring input; valid with measured quantities pH and U.
"diff." means differential amplifier, see page 167.
With Ipol, the inquiries for the polarization current in µA (Ipol) and
.PolElectrTest are valid.
With Upol the inquiry for the polarization voltage in mV (Upol) is valid. Entry in
steps on 10 mV.
Besides .PolElectrTest is valid.
If the test for polarized electrodes is switched on, it is performed on change-
over from the inactive state to the measurement.