Rockwell Automation 1391 USER MNL/DIGITAL AC SERVO DR User Manual
Page 52

Chapter 6
Parameter 130 – Drive OK Mode
This parameter specifies how the Drive OK (DROK) relay is controlled. If
the parameter is set to “0,” the relay will be opened when a fault occurs. If
the parameter is set to “1,” the relay will open when a fault occurs and
there is not sufficient DC bus voltage.
Parameter Type:
View/modify in Modify level and Maintenance level
Default Value:
0 Fault only
Fault only
Fault and undervoltage
Parameter 131 – Language Select (Language Selct)
This parameter allows selection of available languages.
Parameter Type:
View/modify in Modify level and Maintenance level
Default Value:
0 English
Parameter 132 – Velocity Mode Select (Vel Mode Selct)
Parameter 132 selects the velocity command source(s) within the drive.
Parameter Type:
View/modify in Modify level and Maintenance level
Default Value:
0 A/D Input
A/D Input – analog reference from the 14 bit A/D converter (parameter 57) which is fed from
user input command voltage (typically 0 to
10V DC).
Digital Inp – internal digital reference (parameters 17, 18)
A/D+Digt1 – analog and digital reference (parameters 57 + 17, 18)
Zero Input – zero velocity reference
Parameter 133 – Torque Select
This parameter selects the torque command source within the drive. When
operating the drive in velocity mode, set to Velocity Mode 1. When
operating in torque mode, (using S Class, MAX, IMC 121 & 123) set to
A/D Torque Block (#4).
Parameter Type:
View/modify in Modify level and Maintenance level
Default Value:
0 Vel Mode 1
Vel Mode 1 – velocity regulator PI output (parameter 34)
Vel Mode 2 – PI output + current preload + external torque reference (parameters 34, 159, 44)
Torq Block – Digital torque reference (parameter 44)
Vel Mode 3 – PI output + A/D value (3V = 4096) + current preload
(parameters 34 + A/D + 159)
A/D Tq Blk – current preload + A/D value (159 + A/D)
Zero Ref. – zero torque command
Parameter 135 – Up To Speed Tolerance (Up To Spd Tol)
This parameter establishes a band around the velocity command that is
used to determine when to update the At Speed bit in parameter 7.
Parameter Type:
View/modify in Maintenance level
Minimum Value:
0 rpm
Maximum Value:
7812 rpm
Default Value:
19.5 rpm