Rockwell Automation 1391 USER MNL/DIGITAL AC SERVO DR User Manual
Page 101
Chapter 11
Table 11.B
Fault Descriptions and Diagnostics (Continued)
Potential Cause
Fault Description
“bus overvoltage”
(Bit 8)
The power bus voltage has exceeded 405V DC.
1. Power Driver Board is malfunctioning and incorrectly sensing the bus
2. A vertical axis with insufficient counterbalancing is overdriving the
servomotor and causing excessive energy to be returned to the power
supply bus.
3. The system inertia is too high causing excessive energy to be returned to
the power supply bus.
4. Input line voltage exceeds the maximum drive input voltage rating.
5. The position controller acceleration / deceleration rate is incorrectly set.
6. The shunt regulator or transistor has malfunctioned.
7. Shunt regulator fuse has blown.
8. Shunt regulator resistor not connected to drive.
The DC Power Bus is continuously
monitored. If it exceeds a preset level
a fault is sensed and the power
supply is disabled.
Component on Logic Control Board has malfunctioned – replace Logic Control
Component malfunction of input
A/D converter.
External A/D
Conversion Fault
“ext A/D fault”
(Bit 10)
Internal A/D
Conversion Fault
“int A/D fault”
(Bit 11)
Component on Logic Control Board has malfunctioned – replace Logic Control
Component malfunction of input
A/D converter.
Problem reading or writing to
“EEprom fault”
(Bit 14)
1. Re-initialize EEprom (parameter 128).
2. Malfunctioning EEprom – replace Memory Board.
Auto Tune Fault
“auto tune flt”
(Bit 15)
Auto tune cycle time has
exceeded 2 seconds.
1. Auto tune current limit should be increased to speed up the auto tune cycle.
2. Auto tune velocity should be decreased to speed up auto tune cycle.
3. Motor is disconnected or not able to turn.
4. Motor power/resolver continuity disconnected or miswired.
1. Enable not applied.
Enable has not been applied
within 60 seconds during auto