Sensaphone 1800 User Manual

Page 63

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Chapter 5: Communication Programming



The Sensaphone 1800 will dial up to eight 48-digit phone numbers
to report alarm conditions. These are the numbers that will be called
during an alarm dial-out. The unit can deliver an alarm message via
voice telephone call, numeric page, or alphanumeric page. Most
wireless phones can also receive the alarm message as text when
programmed using the alphanumeric page format. The telephone
numbers are dialed sequentially 1 through 8. Therefore, program
the first number you want called as Phone #1, the second one as
Phone #2, and so on. A pause, pound or asterisk can be added to the
phone number to access different phone and beeper systems (see
special dialing options). Once the alarm is acknowledged, all dial-
out stops.

Voice Dialout

When 1800 calls in Voice mode it will announce the ID
Message and the alarm message. Afterward it will ask for the
acknowledgement code. If a correct code is entered, the unit will
stop dialout. If the wrong code is entered it will hang up and
continue dialing the next number.

To program a VOICE dial-out telephone number:

1. Press the SET key.

2. Press the PHONE NUMBER key.

3. Select which Phone number to program. Press any unassigned

number key (keys 1–8) to represent the new telephone number
entry. 1800 will respond: “Enter number.”