RKI Instruments Eagle 2 User Manual

Page 61

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Viewing, Printing, Exporting, and Deleting Data in the Data Window • 57

range of the sensor.

If the channel is configured as a %LEL only channel, then
data will only be recorded in %LEL and the range will be
0-100% LEL. Any gas concentration above that level will
not be recorded.

If the channel is configured as a %LEL/% volume
autoranging channel, then data will be recorded in %LEL
and % volume where appropriate. It will record data in
%LEL up to 100% LEL and then it will start recording data
in % volume up to 100% volume. If %LEL is chosen as the
graphing units, all data collected for a %LEL only channel
will be displayed. Any data collected in an autoranging
configuration that exceeds 100% LEL will not be shown. In
order to view data above 100% LEL, % volume must be
selected. When % volume is selected, all data will be
shown in terms of % vol.

The IR Range Select box located in the bottom right
corner of the screen is where the unit selection is made for
the IR channel. The box next to the selection dots
indicates what channel the IR sensor is associated with
and what color is used to indicate that channel on the
graph. In the example below, the IR channel is the first
channel and its information is displayed in green.