INFICON MDC-360C Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

Page 192

background image


proper grounding, 8-1

installation, system, 9-1

instrumentation feedthrough, 9-2
sensor head description, 9-1
sensor head installation, 9-1
sensor oscillator, 9-2
typical system installation, 9-5

installing option boards. See option


internal data storage, 5-5, 5-6


manual key. See manual operation
manual operation, 3-4
material setup, 4-11
menu structure. See navigating the menu


modes, 5-7

abort, 5-7
halt (soft abort), 5-8
in process, 5-8
manual, 5-8
not sampling, 5-8
process complete, 5-8
process ready, 5-7
simulate, 5-8


navigating the menu structure, 4-1


operating keys, 2-2, 5-7

Abort, 2-3
Alphanumeric Keyboard, 2-5
Arrow, 2-4
Graph, 2-3
Manual, 2-2
Program, 2-4
Reset, 2-3
Shutter, 2-3
Start, 2-3
Status, 2-3
Zero, 2-3

optical monitor termination, 4-10
option boards, 3-4

I/O board, 3-5

IEEE-488 option board, 3-5
source-sensor board, 3-5

overshoot. See thickness overshoot


Parameter/Status display, 2-2, 2-4, 3-1,

4-3, 4-21, 4-35, 5-1, 5-7, 12-2

password protection

edit material password, 4-3
edit process password, 4-3
view/run process password, 4-3

pause on layer complete, 4-10, 4-25
power ramp, 4-11
process setup, 4-13
programming sequence, 4-3
programming, detailed, 4-14

edit DAC setup, 4-42
edit display setup, 4-25
edit sensor setup, 4-36
edit source setup, 4-39
edit utility setup, 4-42
program actions, 4-34
program inputs, 4-26
program outputs, 4-28
system setup, 4-24
view/edit material, 4-16
view/edit process, 4-14


rate deviation alarm, 4-13
rate establish, 4-12
rate ramp, 4-12
rate sample mode, 4-13
remote power handset, 1-5, 1-7, 2-2, 2-3,

3-4, 3-7, 5-8, 8-1, 8-3, 12-3

resuming a process from abort or halt, 4-

14, 5-2

RSH-600 example, 4-9
run time graph screens. See graph



safety precaution, iv
sample program, 3-1
sensor crystal. See crystal
sensor setup, 4-7