How the protec p3000 works, Description of the functions, Description of the subassemblies – INFICON Protec P3000(XL) Helium Leak Detector User Manual

Page 28: Backing pump, Wise technologytm sensor, 1 description of the functions, 2 description of the subassemblies, 1 backing pump, 2 wise technology, Sensor

How the protec p3000 works, Description of the functions, Description of the subassemblies | Backing pump, Wise technologytm sensor, 1 description of the functions, 2 description of the subassemblies, 1 backing pump, 2 wise technology, Sensor | INFICON Protec P3000(XL) Helium Leak Detector User Manual | Page 28 / 132 How the protec p3000 works, Description of the functions, Description of the subassemblies | Backing pump, Wise technologytm sensor, 1 description of the functions, 2 description of the subassemblies, 1 backing pump, 2 wise technology, Sensor | INFICON Protec P3000(XL) Helium Leak Detector User Manual | Page 28 / 132