EUCHNER MGB-LxxB-PNx-xxx (PROFINET) with Data Structure Type B User Manual
Page 34
Operating Instructions Safety System MGB-L..B-PN.-... (PROFINET)
PROFIsafe data bytes (data blocks for safe func-
Safe PROFINET data are transmitted in addition to the unsafe PROFIsafe data. They
include all information on door position and guard locking, emergency stop and
the enabling switch, for example.
The PROFIsafe data block includes all safe functions and is always 6 bytes in size.
It is subdivided as follows:
2 input bytes of data for the functions (e.g. emergency stop switch position)
4 input bytes used within PROFIsafe
1 output byte for the functions (e.g. safe control of guard locking)
All data bits are present in parallel in the unsafe PROFINET and can be used as a
signaling bit there.
IMPORTANT: Never use the signaling bits for safety functions.
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