Hepa filter installation – Despatch LCC/LCD2-14-3 Non Pass Through Series User Manual
Page 19

WARNING: Repairing the damaged filter unit, particularly the medium,
should not be attempted by the user. Any unit so repaired must be retested
to assure that hidden damage does not exist which will reduce filtering
efficiency. Repair and retest is uneconomical for most users.
HEPA Filter Installation
Technicians responsible for installing the filter should use caution. The filter is delicate
and must not be damaged during installation. Any filter unit dropped, whether or not in
the carton, should be examined for damage. Equally important, the filter unit must be
installed so that unfiltered air will not leak past the unit.
Remove the filter from the carton.
Place the carton on the floor. The floor must be clear of nuts, bolts, and
similar protrusions, which would damage the face of the unit. Do not drop
or jar the carton.
Tilt the carton on one corner. Be sure to handle the carton at opposing
Remove the sealing tape and fold the flaps of the carton back.
Gently upend the filter to place the exposed end of the filter on the floor.
Do not jar the filter.
Pull the carton from the filter unit. Do not pull the filter from the carton.
Inspect the filter. Use a strong lamp to examine the exposed areas of both faces
to assure that no breaks, cracks, or pinholes are evident. A flashlight, can be
used in a darkened room.
Look for visible defects with the light projected along the full length of
each channel created by the separators. Translucent spots may not
necessarily indicate holes or cracks but may simply be variations in
thickness of the filter medium.
Check that the adhesive seal around the filter unit faces are complete
and unbroken.
Check the corner joints of the frame for adhesive sealing and
WARNING: Make certain that power is disconnected from
the oven before removing or replacing the HEPA filter.