Despatch Heater Welding User Manual

Electric heater lead welding instructions, Gas weld

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Rev. 3-02

P.N. 200560

Electric Heater Lead
Welding Instructions

Gas Weld

1. Place coil end parallel to

the rod and tie the coil
lead to the rod with
nichrome wire to hold the
lead in place while
welding. (See Figure 1).

2. To weld the coil to the rod,

use an oxyacetylene
flame. For filler rod, use
excess heater coil wire.
Use a soft flame to melt
filler rod and fill in around
coil leads to form a “ball”.
Do not try to weld the coil
leads directly to the rod.
No flux is required. (See
Figure 2).

CAUTION: Too hot a flame or applying too much heat to the coil leads can
burn them off or cause crystallizing. Keep flame moving.

3. When the coil leads have

been built up by the
appolication of filler rod,
increase flame heat.
Apply the flame to the rod
and add filler between the
rod and built-up leads,
gradually fusing them
together. (See Figure 3).