Dakota Ultrasonics PR-8V User Manual
Page 53

PR-8V High Performance Thickness Gauge
9) Finally, press the MEAS key to return to the measurement screen and begin
taking readings.
Starting depth (B -ST)
The starting B-ST, or starting depth, is the starting thickness value. Often times this
value will simply be set to zero in order to start measuring at 0.000”. The only time
this value will be set to something other than zero, is if the user needs to zoom in
even closer. When will this be the case? If the user is testing a material that’s 1 inch
in thickness and knows that the potential corrosion is only on the back surface of the
material and not possibly deeper than .200”. In this case, the user may wish to set
the B-ST at .700” to zoom in closer to the actual area being tested. In turn, the B-
DEP might be set at 1.100” in order to cover the entire range respectively. This will
offer the user better resolution for both the B-Scan and Scan Bar graphical
Note: Once the range is set, it will remain the same for all the views respectively.
The procedures to adjust the starting depth (B-ST) are outlined below:
Adjusting the Starting Depth (B-ST) using the Hot Menus
1) Press the MEAS key once to activate measure menu items. Press the
MEAS key multiple times to move right and the ESC key multiple times to
move left, until the B-ST cell is highlighted.