Dakota Ultrasonics PR-8V User Manual

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The Dakota Ultrasonics model PR-8V is a digital sonic tester with a ton of features
geared specifically towards the racing industry. Based on the same operating
principles as SONAR, the PR-8V is capable of measuring the thickness of various
materials with accuracy as high as


0.001 inches, or


0.01 millimeters. The

principle advantage of ultrasonic measurement over traditional methods is that
ultrasonic measurements can be performed with access to only one side of the
material being measured.
Dakota Ultrasonics maintains a customer support resource in order to assist users
with questions or difficulties not covered i n this manual. Customer support may be
reached at any of the following:

Dakota Ultrasonics Corporation,

1500 Green Hills Road, #107 Scotts Valley, CA
95066 USA

Telephone: (831) 431-9722

Facsimile: (831) 431-9723

www.dakotaultrasonics.c om

1.1 Disclaimer

Inherent in ultrasonic thickness measurement is the possibility that the instrument will
use the second rather than the first echo from the back surface of the material being
measured. This may result in a thickness reading that is TWICE wha t it should be.
Responsibility for proper use of the instrument and recognition of this phenomenon
rest solely with the user of the instrument.