2N VoiceBlue Lite - Manual v2.6 User Manual
Page 68

taking advantage of this function start by editing of new gateway
in Gateway list menu (ALT+F4)
Fig. 26 - Gateway list selection
After selecting of Gateway list the window Gateway selection
window shown on Fig. 27 shows up.
Fig. 27 - Adding of new entry to gateway list
• New - click on Add to open a window with some essential data
necessary for the gateway identification (seeFig. 27). Enter the
gateway name and complete the Gateway IP address. To get
the LAN connection, enter your Username and Password. You
need not complete these items if you control the GSM gateway
by the USB. Finally, complete the File of gateway parameters
including the directory path and filename. New entry is added
to the gateway list after clicking the “OK” button.
• Edit – used for editing identification data on the gateway
entered. To edit the data, select the required gateway from the
list of used gateways and click on Edit.
• Remove – used for removing a gateway from the list of used