JLG 1250AJP Service Manual User Manual
Page 432
– JLG Lift –
10. Operate the drive system in the "turtle mode", for-
ward and reverse.
11. De-aerate the system by bleeding fluid from the Ma
& Mb ports.
12. Switch the drive mode speed control from "turtle" to
"rabbit". Gradually increase drive speed forward &
reverse, still with no load - wheels off the ground.
13. With the joystick in neutral, check for creep in neu-
tral. If evident, most likely dirt is present in the pro-
portional pump control, an incorrect electrical signal
is present on the pump's electrical control(s) or the
control was not centered properly when overhauled.
See service manual for centering instructions.
14. Check that the controls are connected so that the
transmissions operate in the correct direction
related to control input.
15. Continue to monitor all pressure gauges & correct
any irregularities.
16. Remove the brake coil (leaving the electrical con-
nection intact) from the brake release solenoid car-
tridge located on the Traction Manifold. This
disables the machine's ability to release the brakes!
Stroke the transmission pumps slightly (less than
20%) and check the setting of the high pressure
cross port relief valves. Setting should be 5000 psi
+50 psi, - 0 psi (344.7 bar +3.4 bar, -0 bar). Install 0-
6000 psi (0 - 415 bar) gauges on Pump ports Ma &
17. Check oil level & temperature.
18. Remove and inspect charge pressure oil filter,
replace with new element.
19. Operate the transmission under no load conditions
for about 15 minutes to stabilize the temperature
and remove any residual air from the fluid.
20. Set the machine back on the ground. Operate the
transmissions under full and normal conditions.
21. Erratic operation may indicate there is still air
trapped in the system. By working the pump con-
trols forward and reverse the remaining air can be
eliminated. The system is free of air when all func-
tions can be operated smoothly and when the oil in
the reservoir is no longer aerated. (Usually less than
one hour of operation)
NOTE: If the transmissions do not perform correctly after fol-
lowing the pre-start & start-up procedures, refer to
the relevant sections of the trouble-shooting proce-