A appendix – pc interface, Pc interface – Eppendorf PatchMan NP 2 User Manual
Page 47

Parameter: None
All motors stopped
Parameter: None
A current movement is stopped. The checkback is sent as soon as all motors are stopped.
This command can only be executed when the remote control is operative.
C009 Position polling in microsteps
Parameter: None
Position reply in microsteps with limit switches
Parameter: px py pz End
Regardless of any current movement, the current position on all three axes in microsteps is
returned in the reply, as is the position of the six limit switches. A current movement is not
This command can be executed at any time.
C010 Position polling in micrometres
Parameter: None
Position reply in micrometres with limit switches
Parameter: Px Py Pz End
Regardless of any current movement, the current position on all three axes in micrometres is
returned in the reply, as is the position of the six limit switches. A current movement is not
This command can be executed at any time.
GOTO position in micro-steps without reached message Parameters: px py pz vx vy vz
Ready for next command
Parameters: None.
The manipulator moves in all three axes at the specified speed to the specified position. If no
movement is required in one of the axes, then its speed is sent as 0. An acknowledgement is
sent as soon as the command has been fully evaluated and the next one can be sent. The end
position has however not yet been reached. All information is given in micro-steps.
This command can only be executed when remote control is active.
GOTO position in micrometers without reached
Px Py Pz Vx Vy Vz
Ready for next command
Parameters: None.
The manipulator moves in all three axes at the specified speed to the specified position. If no
movement is required in one of the axes, then its speed is sent as 0. An acknowledgement is
sent as soon as the command has been fully evaluated and the next one can be sent. The end
position has however not yet been reached. All information is given in micrometers.
This command can only be executed when remote control is active.
Wait until all motors stop
Parameters: None.
All motors stop
Parameters: None.
The manipulator waits with its response until all motors stop, i.e. until the last final position has
been reached. If this command is sent when the motors have already stopped, the response is
sent immediately.
A Appendix – PC interface
PC interface
AnhangPC_e.fm Seite 92 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:25 15