A appendix – pc interface a, Pc interface – Eppendorf PatchMan NP 2 User Manual
Page 44

It is easy to control the PatchMan NP 2 from a Windows
* computer if the following points are
Connection of the RS232 interfaces on the PC and the control panel using a zero modem
The RS 232 data port must only be connected to devices conforming to the IEC 950/EN
60950 (UL1950) standards.
Serial communication with the following parameters
Data rate: 19,200 Bits/s,
ASCII asynchronous,
8 data bits,
1 stop bit,
No parity
Local echo on
External control is possible from any program that can send ASCII characters to an interface
configured in this way. The "Hyper Terminal" program supplied with Windows
* can be used for
this purpose.
* Windows
(registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation)
2.1 Hardware and cables
An RS232 interface is used to connect a PC. There a 9-pin SUBMIN D plug on the manipulator.
The PC can be connected with any zero modem cable. Mechanically, the best cable is a cable
with an angle plug housing, e.g. Eppendorf cable 5181 150.094 or 5325 620.007. At least the
TXD, RXD and GND wires must be connected. TXD and RXD (pin 2 and pin 3) are reversed in
the cable. The handshake wires are not connected in the manipulator and can therefore be
wired in any manner in the cable.
2.2 Command structure
Every command consists of the actual command itself and any necessary parameters.
(See Operating Manual, Appendix B or A: PC interface)
C001 = version request
response from the micro-manipulator: A001 5181 V1.08
C007 = GOTO position in micrometers,
The parameters for the x = 100, y = -200, z = +300 positions and for the speeds (with reference
to the axis) are thus added:
C007 100-200+300 1000 1000 1000
Note on coordinate directions:
X to the right = positive, Y: backwards = positive, Z: downwards = positive
A1 Overview
A2 Installation
PC interface
A Appendix – PC interface
AnhangPC_e.fm Seite 89 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:25 15